
PT DI dan Honeywell Aerospace AS Teken MoU

08 November 2014

Modernisasi Alutsista Helikopter BO-105 buatan PT DI pada Indo Defence 2014 Expo. (CNN Indonesia/Adhi Wicaksono)

Produsen pesawat PT Dirgantara Indonesia menandatangani nota kesepahaman atau Memorandum of Understanding dengan Honeywell Aerospace asal Amerika Serikat, Jumat (7/11). MoU ini merupakan kerjasama bidang pertahanan antara PT DI sebagai Badan Usaha Milik Negara RI dengan pihak asing.

MoU yang ditandatangani Direktur Niaga dan Restrukturasi PT DI Budiman Saleh dan Presiden Honeywell Indonesia Alex J. Pollack tersebut terkait peningkatan kandungan lokal Indonesia pada produk Honeywell.

Budiman menyatakan PT DI berkomitmen untuk terus meningkatkan kandungan lokal pada produk-produknya sesuai amanat Undang-Undang. “Dengan menggunakan produk Honeywell Indonesia di pesawat PT DI, berarti jumlah peralatan yang dibuat di dalam negeri meningkat,” ujarnya booth Honeywell, Indo Defence 2014 Expo & Forum, JIExpo Kemayoran, Jakarta, Jumat (7/11).

Alex berharap penandatanganan MoU dengan PT DI dapat membuat kedua perusahaan bekerjasama lebih erat untuk mendukung pertahanan nasional RI.

Honeywell adalah penyedia avionik terpadu terkemuka di dunia. Perusahaan yang bermarkas di Phoenix, Arizona, AS, itu menyediakan solusi layanan untuk produsen pesawat, penerbangan bisnis, umum, militer, maupun luar angkasa. Ia pertama kali membuka fasilitas dirgantara di Indonesia pada Oktober 2005 di Pulau Bintan.

Sementara PT DI merupakan badan usaha milik Indonesia yang memiliki catatan cukup membanggakan. Pesawat CN 235-220 produksinya menjadi pesawat kepresidenan di beberapa negara. Pesawat ini pun telah diekspor ke delapan negara, yaitu Malaysia, Korea Selatan, Brunei Darussalam, Thailand, Pakistan, Uni Emirat Arab, Burkinafaso, dan Senegal.

CN 235-220 yang serbaguna menarik perhatian dunia karena memiliki ramp door dan pintu belakang lebar sehingga mampu mempermudah proses pengangkutan dan penurunan kargo.(agk)

  ♞ CNN  

★ Armoured vehicles fit for many missions

Indodefenfe 2014 SSE

Local company Sentra Surya Ekajaya (SSE) has confirmed to the Indo Defence Show Daily that its P2 Commando reconnaissance/command and control vehicle and P2 armoured personnel carrier (APC) have completed their trials and are now in quantity production.

P2 Commando (4x4) is the smaller of the two, with a gross vehicle weight of 4.5 tonnes. It is powered by a four-cylinder turbocharged diesel developing 130hp, coupled to a manual five-speed transmission. This gives the vehicle a maximum road speed of 100km/h, with an operating range up to 500km on a fuel tank of 100 litres.

Ballistic protection is to STANAG 4569 level 1 standard, which is 7.62 x 51mm NATO standard ball attack; the windows provide the same level of ballistic protection. In addition to the commander and driver there are two seats to the rear.

In many respects, the P2 Commando is very similar to the French Panhard Defense VBL (4x4) scout car, but because it has more internal volume, it can undertake a wider range of battlefield missions.

The larger P2 APC is also of the 4x4 type and has an all-welded monocoque hull, providing the same level of protection as the P2 Commando. It also has a protected engine compartment at the front and the crew compartment extending to the rear. The commander is seated to the rear of the engine compartment and each is provided with a side door.

The troop compartment is slightly higher to the rear of the commander’s and driver’s position to provide greater internal volume. The eight dismounts are seated in the rear and can rapidly enter and leave via the rear door. They are seated four down either side, facing inwards on special seats that are not attached to the floor.

The gross vehicle weight of the P2 Commando APC is being quoted as 8,500kg and the vehicle is powered by a Renault four-cylinder turbocharged diesel developing 215hp, coupled to an Allison automatic transmission.

Both vehicles feature full air conditioning – considered to be essential in the high ambient temperatures encountered in Asia – as well as coil spring suspension, front-mounted electric winch and banks of grenade launchers.

The vehicles being shown here at Indo Defence 2014 are fitted with a roof-mounted protected weapon station armed with a 7.62mm machine gun; other weapon stations can be fitted, such as remote weapon stations armed with similar or larger calibre weapons.

As well as the two P2 vehicles, SSE (Hall D, Stand 241) has also manufactured the P3 Ransus high-speed and high-mobility off-road vehicle and the P4 multipurpose vehicle, which is based on a truck chassis.

  ★ IHS Janes  

★ Rhan 122mm rockets at IndoDefence

New Rantis 6x6 MLRS Multiple Launch Rocket System with Rhan 122mm rockets 6x6 MLRS Multiple Launch Rocket System with Rhan 122mm rockets at at IndoDefence 2014 Tri-service defence exhibition in Jakarta, Indonesia.

The Indonesian Defence Company Pindad in collaboration with the Institute of Aeronautics and Space, Ministry of Research and Technology. Ministry of Defence presents local-made 122mm MLRS Multiple Launch Rocket System Rantis 6x6 with Rhan 122mm rockets at IndoDefence 2014.

The 6X6 Rantis is a jointly developed rocket launcher vehicle produced by state-owned arms manufacturer PT Pindad in collaboration with local industry and the MoD's research and development agency. In March 2014, Pindad has performed a test-fired with the new Rantis 6x6 Rhan 122mm MLRS.

The purpose of this rocket testing was to perform dynamic test of some rocket units toward some kind of launchers. The dynamic test was performed on 2 units of RHAn-122 toward Multi Launcher Rocket System (MLRS) which belong to Ministry of Defence, 3 units of RHan-122B toward Marine’s RM 70 GRAD barrel, and dynamic test 3 units of RX-2020 toward PT Pindad (Persero)’s Peluncur Roket Modular 861 (Modular Rocket Launcher) or PRM 861. MLRS shows new development of Indonesia’s defence industry. According to some Internet sources, Pindad expects to procure 500 R-Han 122 rockets by 2014. This surface-to-surface rocket has a maximum range of 23km.

The Rantis 6x6 is an Indonesian-made light truck motorized with a Mercedes Benz Engine. The body is designed and manufactured in Indonesia.

The Rantis 6x6 is fitted with a 24-round elevatable launcher mounted at the rear of the vehicle. The rocket tube arrangement is a single rectangular bank of four blocks each with 6 tubes. Before firing, two stabilisers are lowered to the ground; these are positioned one either side at the rear of the vehicle. The launch vehicle's cabin accommodates the launch preparation and firing equipment.

  ★ armyrecognition  
